[![Tests](https://barrelsofdata.com/api/v1/git/action/status/fetch/barrelsofdata/apache-beam-examples/tests)](https://git.barrelsofdata.com/barrelsofdata/apache-beam-examples/actions?workflow=workflow.yaml) [![Integration tests](https://barrelsofdata.com/api/v1/git/action/status/fetch/barrelsofdata/apache-beam-examples/integration-tests)](https://git.barrelsofdata.com/barrelsofdata/apache-beam-examples/actions?workflow=workflow.yaml) [![Build](https://barrelsofdata.com/api/v1/git/action/status/fetch/barrelsofdata/apache-beam-examples/build)](https://git.barrelsofdata.com/barrelsofdata/apache-beam-examples/actions?workflow=workflow.yaml) # Apache Beam Examples This project holds all the examples of apache beam that are detailed on my blog at [https://barrelsofdata.com](https://barrelsofdata.com) ## Build instructions This is a multi-module project and uses version catalogs. The dependencies can we viewed at [./gradle/libs.versions.toml](./gradle/libs.versions.toml) To build project, execute the following commands from the project root - To clear all compiled classes, build and log directories ```shell script ./gradlew clean ``` - To run unit tests ```shell script ./gradlew test ``` - To run integration tests ```shell script ./gradlew integrationTest ``` - To build jar ```shell script ./gradlew build ``` ## Run Ensure you have kafka running ([kafka tutorial](https://barrelsofdata.com/apache-kafka-setup)) and a postgres sql database running. - Create table ```sql CREATE TABLE (id VARCHAR(255), ts TIMESTAMP, computed DOUBLE); ``` - Start streaming job on direct runner ```shell script java -jar streaming/build/libs/streaming.jar \ --runner=DirectRunner \ --kafkaBrokers= \ --kafkaTopic= \ --kafkaConsumerGroupId= \ --sqlDriver=org.postgresql.Driver \ --jdbcUrl=jdbc:postgresql:/// \ --table= \ --username= \ --password= \ --resetToEarliest ``` - You can feed simulated data to the kafka topic with the key being a string (used as unique id of a sensor) and value being a json string of the following schema ```json {"ts":,"value":} ```